Diversity & Inclusion


 “The Shawnee Mission East Diversity and Inclusion Committee values and respects the diversity found in the East family. We understand that diversity includes people of all races, ethnicities, sexual orientations, gender identities and expressions, socio-economic classes, religious and spiritual traditions, ages, and abilities. We are committed to promoting cross-cultural understanding, harmony, and positive relationships, and equally committed to raising the awareness of the powerful and beautiful diversity that exists within our community.”

Mission Statement and Resources




Race Project KC was established by the Johnson County Library, and is an annual immersive social justice initiative focused on the role of racism in the history of the United States and, more specifically, the Kansas City Area. It is designed for students in grades 9-12 in the KC metro area. The project gives students opportunities to learn how racism impacts us today through unique monthly events. See more @ raceprojectkc.com      




More about Muhammad Ali and Gordon Parks


Events of Interest


Links of Interest