Parent Teacher Conferences

Fall 2024 Conferences 

Wednesday, October 16th walk-In conferences from 5:00 - 8:00 p.m.

  • Wednesday Conferences, parents can walk-in to see teachers at any time. 
    • Drop-in for a short conference (4-6 minutes) to discuss your student's academic progress.
    • Link to teacher conference locations
    • Link to teacher conference locations and building map

If you need longer than 4-6 minutes for your conference time, please schedule a conference on Friday or a time outside of Fall conference times.

Friday, October 18th scheduled conferences from 7:40 a.m. - 3:20 p.m.

  • Friday Conferences will be scheduled at 10-minute intervals with a five minute passing period between conference times. 
  • All appointments are scheduled via Skyward Family Access here
    • Instructions and a tutorial for scheduling a conference through Skyward can be found here
    • If you would like a virtual appointment via WebEx, after creating the Skyward appointment, please reach out to individual teachers for their Webex links. Staff emails can be found here.
    • Link to teacher conference locations and building map

If you need longer than 15 minutes for your conference time, please schedule a conference time outside of Fall conference times. 

**Please contact your student's teacher directly with questions regarding scheduling.